Park and Play Fun Tour –

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The City of Markham has an exciting treat for families all summer long! Our Recreation team is hitting the road with our Park and Play Fun Tour.

What is the Park and Play Fun Tour?

The Park and Play Fun Tour is a traveling trailer that goes to community parks all over the city, bringing loads of free activities and games for children between the ages of four and 12!

From giant Jenga and mini sports games to park activities and inflatable ride-on animals, there will be something for everyone. Plus, free Recreation Activity Passes will be given out to everyone who attends. Of course, you’ll get a chance to meet new friends and have fun outdoors.

Who is the Park and Play Fun Tour for?

The program is open to all children in the community, regardless of background or ability. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to play and have fun, and we’re proud to offer this free service to help make that happen.

How can I find out the next stop of the Park and Play Fun Tour?

You will find below the locations and times of the Park and Play Fun Tour for 2023.

You can also follow us on social media and check our website often for updates on where we’ll be next.

Join us for fun-filled activities at your community park!

So, grab your sunscreen and water bottle, and join us for some outdoor adventures. Keep an eye out for our Park and Play Fun Tour at a park near you!

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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