Tour Topeka connects locals with fun summer activities – WIBW

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TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – This Saturday, Tour Topeka held its inaugural event at Crestview Park. This kickoff was geared toward the whole family.

“The kickoff is really an opportunity for folks to come out and meet the different organizations that are going to be running the continual events,” said Dustyn Whyte from Shawnee County Parks and Recreation.

Attendees got together to explore a variety of outdoor groups and experience what that activity would be like.

“The idea there is that if people get an opportunity to test it and then learn more about it, they may actually get involved in it, and have something to do for the rest of the summer,” says Mr. White.

“It’s a beautiful day to have this event first of all,” said Shana Hheedorn, an attendee. “The parks and rec brought out all of these awesome toys for us to play with. We’ve been out playing catch and riding bikes, and the obstacle course has been fantastic. My 5-year-old did it all by himself.”

This event showed what the outdoors of Topeka can offer anyone who wants to roam on the wild side.

“I think we take our trails and other things for granted,” said Andy Fry of Topeka Community Cycle Project. “This helps to kind of reinvigorate people and get them ready for the more active season and get outside. I think it also exposes people to many different groups and activities that they might not have otherwise seen, so we can be a more active, healthy community.”

Tour Topeka also offers the chance to learn more about how the city functions.

“We’ve had people come out and talk to us about city taxes, and we’ve had people talk to us about different clubs and organizations to get involved in for children and adults,” said Mrs. Hhedorn. “It’s been a fantastic day, and I’m excited to come to more of these events.”

Tour Topeka will be having many more activities throughout the Summer months. You can find out more from their Facebook page.

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