City tourism officials discuss potential tourism events | News – The Sentinel-Echo

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The American Bus Association convention could bring added tourism to the London and Laurel County area.

Commissioner Todd Roberts, who operates a limousine service that includes a Hummer and a bus, said he attended the American Bus Association’s recent show in Nashville and had promoted London and its activities. The American Bus Association is the leading association for bus, motorcoach, tour and packaged travel industry. Roberts said those he spoke with were very interested in adding London to their tours — with special interest in the World Chicken Festival and Honeybun Day activities.

“People were real interested in London, KY. The biggest interest was in the World Chicken Festival and Honeybun Day,” Roberts said. “People were saying they’d stopped on bus tours in London. We need to make contact with them. This could make London a destination instead of just a stop on a tour.”

Commissioner Phil Smith joined Roberts on the venture, affirming Roberts’ comments. Smith said he had spoken to several people who expressed interest in adding London to their tours of events.

That destination could include a scheduled stop for local events, rather than just a rest stop along another tour route.

The commission also elected new officers during Tuesday’s special called meeting. The snowstorm that hit Kentucky over the Martin Luther King holiday weekend resulted in the regular monthly meeting being postponed. The re-scheduled meeting was held on Tuesday, Jan. 23.

Phil Smith was elected by a 5-1 vote as Chair, while Chase Carson was unanimously chosen to serve as Treasurer.

City Tourism Executive Director Chris Robinson outlined plans for training with Megan Griffith from the Kentucky League of Cities on Jan. 30. Hank Phillips with the Kentucky Travel Industry Board will also address the group.

Roberts also questioned the City Tourism’s contributions to the World Chicken Festival, which is overseen by the county tourism commission. City Tourism donates $50,000 toward the event each year. Roberts mentioned that there is no representative from the city tourism board on the WCF board and felt that some discussion should be held to address that concern.

Parks Director Ben Sizemore updated board members on projects at Levi Jackson Park.

“The playground (at Shelters 3 & 4) has been installed and the shelter houses are moving along, depending on the weather,” he said.

He did say the roof on the maintenance building needed replaced and asked board members to allow for bids for the repair.

“That roof is in bad shape and we’ve gotten one bid for between $12,000 to $16,000,” he said. “If the board approves, I can get other bids.”

That was approved for Sizemore to advertise for bids for that process.

Board members also approved Sizemore and Levi Jackson Park director Steven Holt to look into getting new chairs and tables for the clubhouse.

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