Fire Safety Education, Public Events and Programs – Cash Advance Payday Loans Hamilton

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Fire Station Tour

Scheduled Station Visits for more than 6 People
Scheduled station tour requests are only for school groups and organized community groups with a maximum group size of 25. Requests for tours need to be made a minimum of four (4) weeks in advance and are a maximum of one-hour in length. You can fill out the Fire Station Tour Request Application to request potential dates and location. The form does not book your requested tour; staff will contact you to confirm availability.

Drop In Station Visits for 10 People or Less
We can accommodate drop in visits between 9 am and 8 pm at full-time fire stations of groups of no more than six (6) people.

Note: Crews and apparatus are constantly in service and may need to respond to an emergency call, either before or during your tour. Therefore, we do not guarantee availability, nor are we able to notify.

Submit the Fire Station Tour Request Application

Fire Truck Request

Fire truck requests are only available for school and child care centre visits, community programs or community events, for a maximum of 90 minutes. During this time, firefighters will be available for informal interactions and brief discussions.

  • School visits must be requested by the Principal of the school.
  • Visits are limited to one fire truck request per school, per school year (September to June).
  • Child Care Centre visits are limited to one fire truck request per facility, per year (January to December).

Note: Crews and apparatus are constantly in service and may need to respond to an emergency call, either before or during your event. Therefore, we do not guarantee availability, nor are we able to notify.

Fire Trucks are not available for private functions, such as birthday parties, graduation parties, weddings, etc.

Submit the Fire Truck Request Application

Hamilton Arson Prevention Program for Children

HAPP-C is an educational program that was developed to provide assistance to families in Hamilton that have children conducting fireplay and/or firesetting behaviour.  It is a free service that includes a home visit by a Fire Inspector to provide fire safety information to children aged 3 to 17 that are engaging in any fire-related behaviour.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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