On The Road with Xdinary Heroes – tour essentials, playlists, activities, and more – Bandwagon

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Touring is part of the exciting life that Xdinary Heroes lead.

Since November last year, the ‘PLUTO’ K-pop act have been on the World Tour, thrilling Villains (fans of Xdinary Heroes) across Europe and Asia. They step beneath the spotlight, driven by their musical energy, to give strength and hope to their fans with every stage they take. There’s a lot of pressure that goes along with this, so how exactly do they cope?

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Bandwagon caught up with Gun-il, Jungsu, Gaon, O.de, Jun Han, and Jooyeon of Xdinary Heroes to give a rundown on their tour essentials, from the songs that keep them company while on the road to their favourite gastronomical discoveries from countries they visited.

Songs you listen to
즐겨 듣는 곡

Gun-il 건일: NCT 127 – ‘Parade’, HONNE – ‘Good Together’, Muse – ‘Exo-Politics’

Gaon 가온: Dua Lipa – ‘Levitating’

Jun Han 준한: I always listen to music by my favourite artists. There are so many, but I especially listen to old music by Jimi Hendrix and Chuck Berry.

저는 항상 제가 좋아하는 아티스트들의 음악을 듣습니다. 너무 많긴 하지만 음.. 지미 헨드릭스, 척 베리 같은 분들의 옛날 음악을 특히 많이 듣습니다. 

Jooyeon (주연): Liam Gallagher – ‘For What It’s Worth’

Must-have items while travelling
이동 중 가지고 다니는 필수템

Gun-il 건일: Phone, Phone Charger, Credit Card.

Gaon 가온: Stye Eye Drops.

눈다래끼 안약.

O.de 오드: I always carry small portions of the skincare and shower products I usually use.

제가 평소 사용하는 화장품이나 샤워 용품들을 소분해서 꼭 들고 다닙니다.

Jun Han 준한: Since I have to listen to music, [so] it is must to carry earphones.

음악을 들어야 하니 이어폰을 필수로 들고 다닙니다. 

Jooyeon (주연): Portable charger.


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Favourite activities while on tour
투어 중 가장 좋아하는 활동

Gun-il 건일: Resting in a hotel, watching movies on the plane

Jungsu 정수 : Since the last tour, I’ve made it a habit to always carry a digital camera with me during tours. I find that capturing photos and videos with it adds a different emotional touch compared to using a phone camera, allowing me to relive the memories of the tour so I must bring it along with me. I also enjoy trying famous foods from each region. I hope I can taste the delicious local cuisines during this tour as well!

저는 지난 투어 이후로 투어 때마다 꼭 디지털카메라를 챙겨 다니는데요, 휴대폰 카메라와는 또 다른 감성으로 남기는 사진들이나 동영상이 투어 때의 추억을 다시금 느낄 수 있게 해주는 것 같아 꼭 들고 다니면서 기록을 남기곤 합니다. 그리고 각 지역마다 유명한 음식들을 먹어보는 것을 좋아합니다. 이번 공연들을 다니면서도 그 지역의 맛있는 음식들을 맛볼 수 있었으면 좋겠어요!

Gaon 가온:  Local tour

현지 관광

Jun Han 준한: I tried fish and chips for the first time in the UK, and it was so delicious! If there was a place in Korea where I could eat delicious food like this, I would want to go there.

피쉬앤칩스를 영국에서 처음 먹어봤는데 너무 맛있었습니다! 한국에서도 이렇게 맛있게 먹을 수 있는 곳이 있으면 가 보고 싶을 정도예요 ㅎ 

Jooyeon (주연): Concert!!


Favourite food discovered on tour
투어 중 발견된 좋아하는 음식

Gun-il 건일: Snacks from each country.

Gaon 가온: Mango Sticky Rice and Nasi Goreng.

망고밥, 나시고랭 

Jooyeon (주연): Nasi Goreng.


Xdinary Heroes’ World Tour continues at New Frontier Theater in Manila on 23 March, followed by their concert at Ultra Arena Bravo in Bangkok on 31 March.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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