The Love Our Ouse River People Tour to host events in Lewes this March – SussexWorld

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Following the successful event in Barcombe where around 400 local people attended, the next stop is in Lewes. There will be a range of exciting talks, debates, activities, and stalls.

Natasha Padbury, Love our Ouse Director, said: “We believe those living along the Ouse can play a vital part in up-scaling positive action that will turn the tide on the health of the river and its tributaries. The tour aims to provide accessible and fun means for everyone to Love our Ouse.”

The first stop will be at the Malling Community Centre, 11am to 4pm, Saturday March 23.

The Love Our Ouse River People Tour to host events in Lewes this March
The Love Our Ouse River People Tour to host events in Lewes this March

Take part in river community mapping, contribute your ideas to the Ouse Rights of River Charter and sign up to be a citizen scientist. There will be a special contribution from Western Road Primary pupils reading their river poetry, singing the Ouse song and selling their Rescue our Rivers artwork. The event is free and there is no need to book in advance.

This event is followed by River Revelry, 7pm to 10pm on Saturday March 23, upstairs at Linklater Pavillion, Railway Land Nature Reserve. Tickets will be available in advance and on the door.

Love Our Ouse are looking for river themed song, poetry or performance to add to their line up for the fundraising social evening. Email [email protected] with details of what you can offer, with contributions welcomed from amateurs, professionals and enthusiasts. Event booking will be available soon.

Glimpses of the Ouse on Wednesday March 27 at 6pm will be held in the Council Chamber of Lewes Town Hall.

The Mayor of Lewes, Matthew Bird, is hosting a special event to celebrate the heritage and rich history of the River Ouse with an exciting talks programme.

Communities along the Ouse owe their existence to the river and in addition to salt, paper, flour and water mills there has always been a massive amount of industry and agriculture along its banks. Ships have been built and launched in Lewes.

Matthew Bird, Love Our Ouse Director, said: “People care passionately about the river and have a deep connection with particular locations. So it is no surprise when they feel angry and powerless about the massive pollution threats our river faces, not only from sewage but from many other sources including pharmaceuticals.”

As well as talks on industry and transport, bridges, The Cockshut and the Priory and Rights of Rivers, there will be an exhibition of past images and pictures of the Ouse. The event encourages anyone with paintings of the Ouse, who’d like to see them exhibited, to get in touch with the Town Hall by contacting [email protected].

Love Our Ouse is a community based initiative to link people to celebrate, raise the profile of and upscale positive action for the river. They believe the Ouse has the right to support a rich biodiversity of life and a thriving riverside community. For more information visit

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