TourReview reveals launch of Review… – Travolution

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AI-driven tours and activities review platform has unveiled the launch Review Collector.

Th new tool is set to change how tour operators collect, manage, and analyse customer feedback.

Features include customisable surveys with flexible distribution such as text, WhatsApp, email, and real-time visual statistics as the Review Collector dashboard provides this for active survey results.

Operators using Review Master, another TourReview solution, can access and manage all collected reviews and those published on various OTAs from a single interface.

A widget can display general scores and individual tour ratings on the operator’s website, enhancing online reputation and encouraging prospective visitors to book.

Choosing the right surveys and question types is crucial for tour operators to collect actionable data, which TourReview says it supports tour operators by allowing extensive customisation of surveys to suit their specific needs. 

Review Collector’s question formats include binary, rating, Likert scales, and open-ended questions with visual elements.

Juana Muro, chief operating officer of TourReview, said: “During our journey, we discovered a pressing need for tour operators to receive their own reviews directly from customers post-tour or activity. 

“Since our inception, we have empowered tour operators with our Review Master, an AI and BI integrated software that simplifies the management of online reviews. 

“The Review Master has enabled operators to respond to reviews from a single dashboard while analysing feedback using NPS, ratings, sentiment, keywords, and more.”

She added: “Building on this success today, we are excited to introduce the Review Collector, a tool that seamlessly integrates with the Review Master. 

“This innovative solution allows tour operators to gather new online reviews through various booking systems or directly via CSV files. 

“Additionally, the Review Collector offers the flexibility to fully customise survey questions and distribute them via SMS, WhatsApp, or email.”

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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