Winter holiday activities – Tampereen kaupunki

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Winter sports galore for families & Winter sports day of National Skiing Day

Event for families in Virelä, Ikuri on Saturday 24 February from noon to 3 pm. Your family is welcome to practice basic skiing skills with guidance from Tampereen Taivaltajat. The professionals of Virelä skiing department wax your skis to fit the weather! In addition, there’s snowshoeing, building snow(wo)men and playing games. There’s a café on location.

Holidays at the swimming halls – Dive into the pool!

Welcome to swim with your family. Guided activities, playing, ball games, practising water skills, experimenting with equipment, task-based orientation and a great time together.

Hervanta swimming pool, Monday 26 February
4:30–5:15 pm
5:30–6:15 pm (25-metre swimming ability required)

Tampere Swimming Centre, Tuesday 27 February
2–3 pm

Pyynikki swimming pool, Thursday 29 February
9–11 am

Tesoma swimming pool, Thursday 29 February
9–11 am
1–3 pm

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